Reworked electrical projects for the park up for a vote at MNA Thursday

The proposed boring route for a power line to upgrade electrical service to the Orton Park gazebo. Courtesy: MG&E
Madison Gas & Electric (MG&E) has significantly reworked two electrical projects it proposed last winter to improve lighting as well as new electrical service to the gazebo in Orton park. Marquette Neighborhood Association President Michael Jacob said park neighbors had objected to the original proposal and because they were not consulted at the outset.
The first project will move the utility light pole 10 feet west (towards Ingersoll Street) and replace it with an LED light that according to the utility will “cast a cooler blue light, giving truer colors compared to the yellow light cast by a high pressure sodium fixture (HPS).” The light is the only illumination in the central portion of the park.
The second project is new 100 or 200 amp electrical service to the gazebo which will require boring a four inch hole three feet underneath the turf from a utility pole on Rutledge to the gazebo. Holes will be dug at each end of the boring and the gently arching path of the hole has been designed to avoid trees and root structures according to a City of Madison Forestry Report on the project.

A comparison of the two styles of lights. The LED light will replace the HPS-style light. Courtesy: MG&E
MG&E says that a small tracked vehicle with a 36-inch base, required for moving the light pole, will enter the park on the bike path to minimize impact on the grass surfaces. The MNA will vote on the reworked proposal at Thursday’s (July 24) board meeting.
Project details from MG&E and the City’s forestry report can be seen below.
MGE Utility Pole Move/Change Orton Park